Thursday, 27 January 2011

The Turner Prize

Having been to visit the turner prize, this video of Ian Sinclair talking about Susan Philipsz' work was interesting to watch. I personally, found Philipsz' work to be less exciting than I had expected, the room in The Tate Turner Prize exhibit I thought was a bit barren and lacking emotion. But perhaps this was the intention - as Sinclair discusses - how the urban space influences the impact of her voice and how it connects to what she is singing about and the history she explores. 

The singular voice with the echoing acoustics of both the recordings and the surroundings she chooses makes her  work much more eerie and as Ian Sinclair discusses, creates a clear undertone of Life Vs Death, plus a feeling of emptiness and evoking ghost like memories of Medieval London.

Friday, 14 January 2011

Worth a visit?

This online shop looks like a great place for crafty, imaginative presents! Any birthdays coming up?!

Sunday, 2 January 2011


My work in the exhibition held in the university studios - December 2010

Other work and photos from the exhibition: